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The average funeral in the UK costs just over £4000, with burials being more expensive that cremations.
If you or your partner receives certain benefits, you may be eligible for financial support to pay towards a loved one’s funeral. This is called the Funeral Expenses Payment.
Scotland also has its own, the Funeral Support Payment. The eligibility criteria are largely the same, so if you live in Scotland it’s up to you which you apply for. You cannot claim both.
While the payment is unlikely to cover all of your costs, you may also be eligible for the Bereavement Support Payment if the deceased was your husband, wife or civil partner and you are under State Pension age.
What counts as a funeral and what counts as a funeral expense?
In this case, a ‘funeral’ is the burial or cremation of a person who died and the service accompanying it. Memorials or remembrance events that are separate from the burial or cremation do not count, neither does the burial of the deceased’s ashes.
‘Funeral expenses’ include the cost of the deceased’s burial or cremation, travelling to the funeral or having the body moved to a different part of the UK, documents including the death certificate and expenses for the funeral ceremony itself.
How much is the Funeral Expenses/Support Payment?
You can get up to £1000 to help with the costs of the funeral ceremony and additional money for other funeral expenses. There isn’t a set amount that you could get, it is determined on an individual basis, but it is unlikely that all your expenses will be covered by the Funeral Expenses Payment.
If you’ve already paid the funeral, you will receive the money as reimbursement. If you haven’t already paid when you claim, the money will go to the funeral director.
If your loved one had a pre-paid funeral plan, the maximum you can receive is £120 for additional expenses.
The average amount of the Scottish Funeral Support Payment is £1800, but you are not guaranteed this much.
Please note that if you later inherit from the deceased’s estate (not including property or personal items if you are their widow, widower or civil partner), you will have to pay back what you were given through the Funeral Expenses Payment from this.
Am I eligible for the Funeral Expenses/Support Payment?
You may be eligible for the Funeral Expenses Payment if:
- You or your partner receive certain benefits. These include:
- Universal Credit
- Housing Benefit
- Income Support
- Pension Credit
- Child Tax Credit
- Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
- Income-based Employment and Support Allowance
- The disability or severe disability element of Working Tax Credit
- Sometimes you may be eligible if you use the Support for Mortgage Interest loan
- The deceased had one of the following relationships with you:
- They were your partner (you married, in a civil partnership or lived together as if you were)
- A close relative
- A close friend
- Your stillborn baby, born after 24 weeks of pregnancy
- A child that you were responsible for, who was under 16 when they died (or under 20 if they were in approved education or training).
- The funeral will take place/has taken place in one of the following places:
- The UK
- An EEA country. These include Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Republic of Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland (if you live in Northern Ireland and the funeral will be in ROI, the rules are more complicated so speak to the Bereavement Service Helpline), Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden.
- Switzerland
Funeral Support Payment eligibility
The eligibility criteria for Scotland’s Funeral Support Payment are much the same. Additional criteria include:
- You live in Scotland.
- The deceased person lived in the UK.
- It must be reasonable for you or your partner to have the responsibility of the funeral.
How to apply for the Funeral Expenses Payment
You must make the claim after the person has died and no later than 6 months after the funeral, regardless of whether you are waiting for a decision on a benefit claim. You can make the claim before the funeral if you know exactly how much it will cost and have evidence of this.
You need a precise figure for how much your funeral expenses are, with receipts and an invoice or signed contract from the funeral director as proof.
You’ll also need your National Insurance Number.
To apply by phone
- If you’re in England, Scotland or Wales call the Bereavement Service helpline: 0800 731 0469
- If you’re in Northern Ireland, call the Bereavement Service Helpline (Northern Ireland): 0800 085 2463
- If you want to speak in Welsh: 0800 731 0453
- Bereavement Service helpline textphone: 0800 731 0464
- Welsh language textphone: 0800 731 0456
- Relay UK: 18001 then 0800 731 0469
To apply online (England, Scotland, Wales)
If the deceased was an adult, download and complete this form.
If the deceased was a child, download and complete this form.
Then send the form and any accompanying documents to Freepost DWP Funeral Payments. It’s freepost so you don’t need a stamp. If you are uncomfortable with sending your documents by post, you can take the form and documents to your nearest job centre.
For an accessible format, email: accessibleformats@dwp.gov.uk
To apply online (Northern Ireland)
If the deceased was an adult, download and complete this form.
If the deceased was a child, download and complete this form.
Then send it to:
Funeral Payments
Mail Opening Unit
PO Box 42
BT49 4AN
You can also pick these forms up from your local Jobs and Benefits Office.
How to apply for the Funeral Support Payment
To apply by phone
Call Social Security Scotland: 0800 182 2222
To apply online
You can apply online here.
Then post in to:
Social Security Scotland
PO Box 10311