Show timing and dementia | How can it affect diagnosis?

show timing

You may wonder what is show timing and how does show timing affect dementia and diagnosis? Dementia can cause a range of different behaviours and characteristics, some of which are completely out of character for the person. Understanding the common behaviours associated with dementia can help you to navigate the process.  

What is show timing?

Show timing refers to when a person with dementia purposefully plays down their behaviours in front of a certain person or people or during certain situations. For a short period of time, the person is able to ‘put on an act’, not displaying the symptoms that they normally would do so as to appear that there isn’t a problem. 

If you have a loved one with dementia, show timing is something you’re likely familiar with, but maybe don’t know the term for. 

In most situations, a person is only able to ‘show time’ for a short period of time, perhaps 15 or 20 minutes, but it may be possible for them to do this for longer depending on their individual capabilities. 

Why does show timing occur?

There are many reasons a person might choose to show time around certain people, the most likely being embarrassment. Show timing often occurs when a person with dementia is in the company of certain people, for example, distant relatives or health professionals. These are usually people that they probably don’t want to let their guard down in front of so as to avoid negative judgement. 

A person might also be fearful. In a report carried out in 2021, it was found that 49 per cent of people say that dementia is the health condition they most fear getting in the future. Show timing can help to prolong a diagnosis, allowing the person to continue living their lives as normally as possible, even though they are aware that there is a problem. 

Show timing might also be related to denial. If a person is able to consciously cover up certain behaviours, they are likely able to recognise that these problems are related to something more serious. Show timing makes it possible for them to play down their symptoms and in turn avoid the reality of what is happening themselves. 

How can show timing affect being diagnosed?

Most healthcare professionals have a good understanding of dementia and the linked behaviours of somebody with the disease, but show timing can still be a difficult behaviour to see past for even those most versed in dementia.

Generally speaking, an appointment with the doctor only lasts for 10-15 minutes, so it is possible for a person with dementia to ‘trick’ a health professional during those initial assessments to believe that there isn’t any problem, especially if they don’t know the person very well to begin with. This will inevitably delay a diagnosis, and can prevent a person receiving treatment that may control or delay progression of the disease. 

Is there anything you can do to prevent show timing?

Unfortunately, it’s likely that the person with dementia won’t be capable of show timing for an overly long period of time as their condition progresses. However, whilst they are capable of doing so, it can be highly distressing for you and other family members. 

It’s also important to recognise the impact that show timing can have on the person with dementia. The act of putting on a ‘show’ is not an easy process for them, even doing this for 10 or 15 minutes can leave the person physically and mentally exhausted for hours or even days after the event. 

Although there isn’t much you can do to prevent show timing, there are some things you can do to help you through this period of time.

Keep a log

Tracking your loved one’s symptoms and behaviours will be helpful for things like hospital appointments. Being able to present the health professional with evidence of what is happening will give them a better idea of the situation, and will likely also make it more difficult for the person to continue with show timing. Although it may feel unkind or like you are putting your loved one on the spot, getting a diagnosis is really important for the future. 

As well as being helpful for others, keeping a log can also be beneficial for you. When dealing with show timing, it’s easy to feel as though you are imagining the progression of these symptoms, and when faced with your loved one seemingly perfectly normal, it’s not unusual to think you’ve got things wrong altogether. A log will provide you with the evidence you need to recall the changes in behaviour you’re witnessing, and a reminder of all you’ve been through to get you to this point, helping to prevent your own frustrations towards your loved one. 

If you do choose to track behaviour, be sure that your method of logging is as comfortable as possible for you. Videos can be really good evidence, but it may feel like a breach of your loved one’s privacy. In this case, you might feel better producing a written log with details of the behaviour and when this is occurring.  

Seek support from other carers or family members in a similar situation 

The behaviour of your loved one has likely changed in many ways, and show timing may be just one part of their new personality that you are struggling to deal with. Although it is easy to feel frustrated with them, being patient and as calm as possible is the best thing you can do for yourself, your loved one and their diagnosis. 

It’s a good idea to reach out for support wherever possible. You may be able to speak to your family members or friends, but it might also be useful to communicate with people who are not directly involved in your situation. This will allow you to be more honest about your feelings without worrying about hurting somebody’s feelings or people judging you.  

Some examples of support groups include:

Mental capacity

Mental capacity refers to the ability to make informed decisions. As dementia progresses, it impacts on a person’s ability to think and reason in a regular way. This means that at some point, somebody close to the person may have to take over when it comes to making decisions, either temporarily or permanently. However, a formal assessment will need to be carried out before they are considered as lacking capacity.

This is a really tough process for anybody, especially as you witness your loved one’s abilities declining as dementia progresses. If you think your loved one is no longer making decisions that are in their best interests, then it may be time to look at getting an assessment. This will help to keep them safe and avoid them from making any decisions that have a detrimental impact. 

For more information on mental capacity and what an assessment will look into, see our article here.

Next steps

As dementia progresses, it can become really difficult for you or your family to provide the support your loved one needs from home. However, there are some steps you can take to make this easier. On, there are a range of articles which provide advice on caring for a loved one with dementia at home.

Alternatively, If you are thinking about a care home, read our article here for more advice on when might be the right time. There is nothing to feel guilty or ashamed of when considering a care home, it’s simply another option to ensure that your loved one receives the care and support they need. 


What is show timing?

Show timing refers to when a person with dementia purposefully plays down their behaviours in front of a certain person or people or during certain situations. For a short period of time, the person is able to ‘put on an act’, not displaying the symptoms that they normally would do so as to appear that there isn’t a problem. 

Why do people with dementia show time?

A person may show time for many reasons. Common reasons include fear of diagnosis, embarrassment over their changing behaviours and denial that there is a problem at all. All of these reasons are valid, but seeking a diagnosis can help to control or delay progression of the disease. 

Can show timing be prevented?

It’s difficult to prevent show timing as you cannot control the behaviour of a person with dementia. Speaking to them as honestly as possibly may help, but unfortunately, they most likely won’t be able to continue the behaviour as the disease continues to progress.