50536 Freehold Care Home + Two Bedroom Bungalow

Agency Title: 50536 Freehold Care Home + Two Bedroom Bungalow

For Sale / Sold: For Sale

Date Posted: 20 Oct 2023

Location: Wales

Guide Price: Price on Application (Business)

Business Broker: Redwoods Dowling Kerr

Reference: 50536


Turnover £987k for year-end September 2022. Adjusted EBITDA in excess of £417k.
This care home is registered for individuals aged 18+ with learning and sensory disabilities. 8 single rooms with 7 en-suites with showers. 100% local authority clients.
Currently on full occupancy Two Bedroom Bungalow is being built in the rear garden for two additional rooms. Well-established in the region having operated for over 20 years. A strong second-tier management structure. 100% occupancy levels with an extensive waiting list. Registered manager in place. Good CIW reports.

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