51030 Day Service & Domiciliary Care Provider & Community support - East England

Agency Title: 51030 Day Service & Domiciliary Care Provider & Community support - East England

For Sale / Sold: For Sale

Date Posted: 11 Jul 2024

Location: Lincoln, Lincolnshire

Guide Price: £1,900,000 (Business)

Business Broker: Redwoods Dowling Kerr

Reference: 51030


Turnover of £1.8m for year-end 2024 (based on management accounts). Adjusted EBITDA in excess of £425k for year-end 2024 projected financials doubling within the next 3 years.
One stop shop, The company offers care to young adults with physical and learning disabilities. Along with domiciliary care and Community support to adults.
The synergy between all three aspects of the businesses creates Integrated Care Plans, Better Communication and Collaboration, Superior Cross-Training and Professional Development for staff, and a more focused Person-Centred Approach.
This business provides c.1300 hours of care per week for over 85 service users across its community support and domiciliary care. Day centres provide services to groups of 20 to 30 as well as on a one-to-one basis.
Well established in the region it serves with a close relationship with the local authorities. Our client employs over 40 staff, including a service manager and business administrator, with the business able to operate without director oversight.

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