Home Care Provider Owned by Prestige Nursing & Care in West Yorkshire

  • Home Care Provider Owned by Prestige Nursing & Care in West Yorkshire

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Prestige Nursing & Care Locations in West Yorkshire (1)


1 Home Care Provider owned by Prestige Nursing & Care in West Yorkshire

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Prestige Nursing & Care (Wakefield)

Unit 5, Triangle House, 257 Kirkgate, Wakefield WF1 5PL 

9 reviews
"My husband had been sent home from the hospice for end of life treatment. Two carers came in 4 times a day. They were all very friendly and…"   Read all 9 reviews

Prestige Nursing & Care in Wakefield is a leading provider of home-based personal care and support services to the elderly and people with physical disabilities, learning disabilities, dementia, terminal illnesses, acquired brain injury and spinal injuries. The… Read more about Prestige Nursing & Care (Wakefield)

  • Care Provided
  • Live in Care
  • Nursing Care
  • Older Person Care
  • Dementia

Prestige Nursing & Care Reviews in West Yorkshire (9)

Reviews Posted for members of Prestige Nursing & Care

Overall Experience

  • 7
  • 0
  • 1
  • 0
  • 1

Date Published

Review of

Prestige Nursing & Care (Wakefield)

from Pam (Wife of Client) published on 14 December 2020
Overall Experience  Overall Experience 5.0 out of 5

My husband had been sent home from the hospice for end of life treatment. Two carers came in 4 times a day. They were all very friendly and caring and nothing was too much trouble. They treated my husband with great respect and had to do everything for him. All the time they were caring for him they
talked to him and were gentle with him and they made his last days very comfortable. They were kind to me and included me in their conversations as by now my husband had lost the ability to communicate.


Care / Support


Treated with Dignity

Value for Money

Review of

Prestige Nursing & Care (Wakefield)

from Rosalind M (Cousin of Client) published on 8 April 2019
Overall Experience  Overall Experience 5.0 out of 5

My Brother and I who both live in Kent, we're looking after our Cousin, who had been in hospital for 11 months with an extremely rare Cancer. His request was to return home, so from Sept 2018, we engaged with the wonderful Prestige Nursing + Care (Wakefield). Our Cousin's needs were great, 2 Carer's
4X a day. Due to my brother and myself only being able to visit every 4 - 5 week's for weekend stay's, this fabulous team of Ladies gave our Cousin, the support, encouragement and best of all, the care that we all needed. Prestige, made so many of our serious problem's, just vanish. With very little notice, our request's were met, time and again, no matter how challenging. Sadly, our Cousin lost his fight this week, again we had a massive problem to solve, re our cousin's elderly cat's..and again, one of these amazing ladies stepped in, and has resolved our cousin's dying wish. If you are looking for the best care for you're loved one...look no further. Our everlasting thank's, Ladies.


Care / Support


Treated with Dignity

Value for Money

Review of

Prestige Nursing & Care (Wakefield)

from Sheila W (Client) published on 14 November 2017
Overall Experience  Overall Experience 5.0 out of 5

Prestige are very caring and reliable. The carers are the very best.


Care / Support


Treated with Dignity

Value for Money

Review of

Prestige Nursing & Care (Wakefield)

from Linda O (Daughter of Client) published on 28 October 2016
Overall Experience  Overall Experience 1.0 out of 5

My mother had Prestige Nursing Wakefield for 13 months until she passed away last year. Unfortunately because of a high turnover of carers [prestige calls them members? who are on ZERO hours contracts] there were at least 57 different carers sent in that time it meant there was not the continuity we
would have liked. Each carer has 3 days training before starting.

Reply from Jonathan Bruce, Managing Director at Prestige Nursing & Care (Wakefield)

We deeply regret that you are unhappy with the service we provided and that your experience did not match the 95% of Prestige clients who are satisfied or very satisfied with the care they receive. We exist to satisfy clients through the care we deliver and have carried out a full review into this case following your feedback, as well as seeking to discuss it with you in person.

Prestige works by matching clients and their families to carers who we judge to be most suited to their needs and preferences, based on a detailed four-part initial care assessment. All clients have the chance to approve their recommended care team to ensure satisfaction and encourage long-standing relationships. We also give clients the freedom to reject carers at any stage without question. We have to consider the welfare of both our client and our care workers. In situations where the care worker is unable to provide care and support, we will consider carefully how best we can support the client, liaising, as appropriate, with NHS and social care providers. We always try to limit the change of carers any client has, but circumstances such as staff holidays, illness and job moves may impact this.

All Prestige carers receive a minimum of 38 hours’ training a year and are subject to a stringent recruitment process followed by regular checks and reviews to ensure they deliver high-quality care. We are committed to investing in our staff: 75p in every £1 we spend goes towards staff wages, support, training and continuing professional development. We regularly seek anonymous feedback from staff and 85% tell us they value the flexibility offered by their contracts to choose the hours they work.


Care / Support


Treated with Dignity

Value for Money

Review of

Prestige Nursing & Care (Wakefield)

from Barbara B (Client) assisted by family/friend published on 22 August 2016
Overall Experience  Overall Experience 5.0 out of 5

Always reliable and friendly.


Care / Support


Treated with Dignity

Value for Money

Review of

Prestige Nursing & Care (Wakefield)

from Kath E (Wife of Client) published on 12 August 2016
Overall Experience  Overall Experience 5.0 out of 5

This company provides an excellent care and support service for my husband. I feel totally confident, leaving the person I love in their care while I have a break. The 2 carers my husband has, give him various care needs and maintain his dignity at all times. He finds the carers friendly and easy to
talk to. The high quality of care and support is also found in the office staff and management as they review his needs and care plan on a regular basis. Also the charges for the care and expertise is of excellent value. I would recommend this company 110%.


Care / Support


Treated with Dignity

Value for Money

Review of

Prestige Nursing & Care (Wakefield)

from Sue C (Daughter of Client) published on 8 August 2016
Overall Experience  Overall Experience 5.0 out of 5

I cannot recommend Prestige Nursing highly enough. Both my brother and I live out of the country. Prestige worked with us to find a care plan suitable for our parents taking time to discuss this with us and upgrade it when necessary. They were always easy to contact and willing to help. The nurses that
came to the home were caring and committed. Both my parents were very fond of them. I will be forever grateful to them for giving the care I was unable to provide.


Care / Support


Treated with Dignity

Value for Money

Review of

Prestige Nursing & Care (Wakefield)

from Pam A (Wife of Client) published on 15 July 2016
Overall Experience  Overall Experience 5.0 out of 5

I find the care my husband receives is excellent and if I have any worries about anything I only have to ring the office and they will sort it out. They also help me by giving me advice if I ask. The carers are very good and they are also cheerful which I like.


Care / Support


Treated with Dignity

Value for Money

Review of

Prestige Nursing & Care (Wakefield)

from Jane W (Mother of Client) published on 11 July 2016
Overall Experience  Overall Experience 3.0 out of 5

I am happy with the service provided. Things seem to be running smooth at the moment.


Care / Support


Treated with Dignity

Value for Money


Awards / Recognitions (0)








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