Home Care Provider Owned by Wisteria Care in Somerset

  • Home Care Provider Owned by Wisteria Care in Somerset

Wisteria Care Locations in Somerset (1)


1 Home Care Provider owned by Wisteria Care in Somerset

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Wisteria Care (Yeovil)

The Forum, Stourton Way, Abbey Manor Park, Yeovil BA21 3TL 

2 reviews
  • Care Provided
  • Older Person Care
  • Dementia
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Wisteria Care Reviews in Somerset (2)

Reviews Posted for members of Wisteria Care

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Date Published

Review of

Wisteria Care (Yeovil)

from T D (Granddaughter of Client) published on 11 January 2023
Overall Experience  Overall Experience 1.0 out of 5

Some of the carers provided are absolutely amazing and would rate them individually a 5* if I could but 80% of the people sent to care for my grandmother are terrible.
We have complained over and over that you come too early as my gran is a night owl.
All we request in the morning/midday is a sandwich
and a pad change.
But some carers like the one who's just been literally walk in and walk out without doing a thing and then lie on the app that she had denied care when she's actually sleeping.
A lot of the staff fail to understand simple instructions and sometimes just leave our door wide open, thankfully my gran isn't a flight risk but it's not secure at all.

Reply from Wendy Beaton, Admin at Wisteria Care (Yeovil)

Thank you for your kind comment regarding some of our carers being amazing, however we are disappointed that you also feel that some of our carers are terrible. We are extremely proud of the work that they do supporting our clients in the community. We do understand there have been issues with the timings of calls for your grandmother. These have been looked at by the coordinators and now hopefully have been rectified. We do appreciate all feedback and aim to find a solution for any issues that may arise. Please do feel free to contact us directly if you have any further concerns.


Care / Support


Treated with Dignity

Value for Money

Review of

Wisteria Care (Yeovil)

from Theresa L (Daughter of Client) published on 7 September 2022
Overall Experience  Overall Experience 1.0 out of 5

To whom it may concern, I am writing to inform you that there are serious issues with the standards of care within the community. My mother is brain damaged, severely disabled, and bed-bound, I am severely dissatisfied with the level of care she receives, all we require is basic care to ensure that
she is as comfortable as she can be.
Wisteria Care (Yeovil branch) is where the care package is currently provided for my mother. I say currently as the care package has since been pulled as I spent the weekend messaging the area manager photos of negligence, the response was minimal and ignored the complaints with the belief of a call on Monday, which I did not receive. I did, however, receive a call from Social Services on the Tuesday informing me that I had 28 days' notice from Wisteria as they are pulling my mum's care package.
The 2022 Health and Care Act introduced new legislative measures that aim to make it easier for health and care organisations to deliver joined up care for people who rely on multiple different services.

Reply from Michelle Carey, Manager at Wisteria Care (Yeovil)

The Manager and office staff have been subject to verbal assaults on the phone and via text message, being shouted and sworn at by the client’s daughter. A meeting was scheduled with the Manager and Social Services and the daughter to try and resolve the situation however both were asked to leave the client’s house by the daughter due to her unrealistic expectations regarding timings of care calls.
Care staff have also been subject to constant verbal abuse from the daughter even though it was agreed that the daughter would stay in her room when the carers attended, carers have refused to return to the property therefore we have had to give the required 28 days’ notice to cancel the care package as we are no longer able to cover the visits.


Care / Support


Treated with Dignity

Value for Money


Awards / Recognitions (0)








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