Home Care Provider Owned by Professional Carers in Merseyside

  • Home Care Provider Owned by Professional Carers in Merseyside

Professional Carers Locations in Merseyside (1)


1 Home Care Provider owned by Professional Carers in Merseyside

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Professional Carers Wirral

223a & 225a Seaview Road, Wallasey, Wallasey CH45 4PD 

1.8 1 review
  • Care Provided
  • Live in Care
  • Older Person Care
  • Dementia
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Professional Carers Reviews in Merseyside (1)

Reviews Posted for members of Professional Carers

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Date Published

Review of

Professional Carers Wirral

from D W (Client) published on 14 May 2024
Overall Experience  Overall Experience 2.0 out of 5

Staff turnover is extremely high, unfortunately, see other websites.
You'll see company advertisements, and vacancies regularly are listed.
Carer quality depends on who you get, and what they consider a 'Good' standard of care.
Unfortunately, they have a lot of big complexes, for assisted living.
take more than they can manage.
Staff don't get enough time to get from one care call to another. Which, can be the other end of Seacombe, to New Brighton at times. This then impacts the staff and clients, as staff don't get paid, if they over set hours. So staff try their best to make up lost time. If they go over set hours, they don't get paid.
In turn eventually leave. Clients can have late lunch calls, eg, as late as between 2-3 pm.
Found inaccurate records keeping saying all tasks were completed when they were not.
Don't always go by Care Quality Commission (CQC) reviews.
Do your own research. Look through Relatives, and friends' past/present reviews on companies. I learned the hard way.

Reply from Gary Nagle, Director at Professional Carers Wirral

Dear D.W., thank you for taking the time to send this review and I am sorry to hear that your experience with Professional Carers was not a positive one. I do however wish to say that a lot of your claims are factually incorrect, and in isolation, with no evidence to support this. As a provider we did our very best to address your concerns however you failed to reply or engage with us on response. As an organisation, many of our service users are highly impressed and thankful for the amazing work provided by our frontline care teams [evidence of which can be shown]. We work hard to ensure our staff are delivering safe and effective care, in line with our core values. Our staff retention is high and turnover is low, likewise our staff do get paid if they over run on their calls, so I am unsure where you got this information from, which is incorrect. I wish you the best of luck with your new agency and hope they are able to fulfil your requirements.
Best wishes...


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