Home Care Provider Owned by Dale Care Ltd in Durham

  • Home Care Provider Owned by Dale Care Ltd in Durham

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Dale Care Ltd Locations in Durham (1)


1 Home Care Provider owned by Dale Care Ltd in Durham

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Dale Care - Durham

Lumley House, Whitfield Court, St Johns Road, Meadowfield, Durham DH7 8XL 

9.6 16 reviews
"Wonderful care was provided by all the carers who visited my Grandma. Each carer who attended to my Grandma's needs provided her with the…"   Read all 16 reviews

Dale Care is one of the foremost home care providers in Durham and the North East of England. Person-centred care services are designed to help people that need support to stay as independent as possible within the comfort of their own homes. The… Read more about Dale Care - Durham

  • Care Provided
  • Older Person Care
  • Dementia

Dale Care Ltd Reviews in Durham (16)

Reviews Posted for members of Dale Care Ltd

Overall Experience

  • 9
  • 3
  • 1
  • 0
  • 3

Date Published

Review of

Dale Care - Durham

from S G (Granddaughter of Client) published on 30 April 2024
Overall Experience  Overall Experience 5.0 out of 5

Wonderful care was provided by all the carers who visited my Grandma. Each carer who attended to my Grandma's needs provided her with the utmost respect and dignity and made her feel at ease within her own home. Very kind and caring so thank you.

Reply from Carol jackson, Engagement Manager at Dale Care - Durham

Thank you so much for your lovely review. We have a fantastic team and pride ourselves on treating everyone with the respect they deserve. It is so important for them to feel comfortable having people into their homes. Thank you


Care / Support


Treated with Dignity

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Review of

Dale Care - Durham

from K S (Daughter of Client) published on 27 March 2024
Overall Experience  Overall Experience 5.0 out of 5

Dale Care looked after my Mum, my Mum was always a very independent woman but sadly needed help following a diagnosis of dementia, the carers reassured me that my Mum was checked on regularly, and all who attended were very friendly.

Reply from Carol jackson, Engagement Manager at Dale Care - Durham

Thank you so much for your lovely review. Our team are all very caring and friendly which does make a difference. Thank you.


Care / Support


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Review of

Dale Care - Durham

from Donna M (Son of Client) published on 27 March 2024
Overall Experience  Overall Experience 5.0 out of 5

The staff are very friendly and do an amazing job.

Reply from Carol jackson, Engagement Manager at Dale Care - Durham

Thank you for your lovely review. We do have an amazing team who, yes, do an amazing job. Thank you for your comments, Dale Care.


Care / Support


Treated with Dignity

Value for Money

Review of

Dale Care - Durham

from D H (Grandson of Client) published on 20 March 2024
Overall Experience  Overall Experience 5.0 out of 5

The carers who attended my gran were great, she had never had care before and they made her feel very comfortable. I really cannot thank them enough. They always went the extra mile. Thank you.

Reply from Carol jackson, Marketing Manager at Dale Care - Durham

Thank you so much for your lovely review. Our carers do go the extra mile so this is great to hear. Thank you


Care / Support


Treated with Dignity

Value for Money

Review of

Dale Care - Durham

from J A (Daughter of Client) published on 19 March 2024
Overall Experience  Overall Experience 5.0 out of 5

My mother has been cared for over the recent years, her experience with their care has been excellent, they are efficient and pleasant towards my mam as she has Alzheimer’s and can be difficult for her to trust and understand however the staff care for her well.

Reply from Carol jackson, Engagement Manager at Dale Care - Durham

Thank you so much for your lovely review. It's great to hear that the carers have been so understanding and helpful. We have an amazing team. Thank you


Care / Support


Treated with Dignity

Value for Money

Review of

Dale Care - Durham

from C S (Friend of Client) published on 19 March 2024
Overall Experience  Overall Experience 5.0 out of 5

Dale Care looked after a friend of mine who was very reluctant to have care. She got used to the girls and was happy to have more care which was great as she did need the help.
They were all lovely and helpful and encouraged her to do things herself which was exactly what she needed. The office listened
to his needs and worked with us.
I would recommend it highly.

Reply from Carol jackson, Engagement Manager at Dale Care - Durham

Thank you for your lovely review. It's quite common that this happens and works well. Our team always try and work with the service user to encourage them which does help. Thank you.


Care / Support


Treated with Dignity

Value for Money

Review of

Dale Care - Durham

from Liz B (Daughter of Client) published on 3 December 2021
Overall Experience  Overall Experience 4.0 out of 5

The carers who looked after my father over the weekend went above and beyond the call of duty. The area had an extended power cut and the team ensured he was fed and kept warm.
They also ensured they called his family whenever they found a spot with power.

Reply from Carol jackson, Marketing Manager at Dale Care - Durham

Thank you so very much for your lovely review. It has certainly been a challenging time regarding the weather and power cuts. We are extremely proud of our team and they have shown, as always, that they really do go the extra mile. We will speak to the carers and let them know too. Thank you Dale Care.


Care / Support


Treated with Dignity

Value for Money

Review of

Dale Care - Durham

from Catharine S (Daughter of Client) published on 17 November 2021
Overall Experience  Overall Experience 1.0 out of 5

My mother was a client of Dale Care for over five years during that time she was bedridden and lived with us until her death on 29th October. Although some of her carers kindly sent flowers cards and condolences, we have yet to receive any acknowledgment of her death that happened very quickly at home
from Dale Care, apart from a polite reply when l called that day to cancel the carers. We have found the care given and the service provided by the company wholly inadequate. Whilst some carers were good most were not and the good ones rarely stayed with a company that did not have their or the client's best interest at heart. I could go into detail, but am quite frankly exasperated with the whole experience and just want to forget about the shabby service they provided. The sooner the whole care system is overhauled and brought to task over their lack of respect and disregard for their carers and clients the better. The company is nothing more than a money-making operation.

Reply from Carol jackson, Communications Manager at Dale Care - Durham

Firstly, on behalf of Dale Care, we are so sorry for your loss. We do work hard to ensure that we do provide a good standard of service and unfortunately, you do not seem to have experienced this.
We would appreciate the opportunity of looking into this further so could you please, therefore, email us with more information to enable us to investigate, at hr@dalecare.co.uk
Thank you


Care / Support


Treated with Dignity

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Review of

Dale Care - Durham

from Andy (Son of Client) published on 12 May 2021
Overall Experience  Overall Experience 1.0 out of 5

Carers are incapable of wearing the correct PPE. We’ve contacted the company on numerous occasions regarding the issue and it continues to be a problem.
This morning carer took the visor off as soon as walked into the house. Complained to Dale Care about the issue, who apologised and said the issue
was being dealt with.
This evening mums carer did not even have a visor, we had to provide one. It’s every few days we have to provide the PPE that public Health England say the carers should be using to provide personal care.
It very much appears the company have no regard to the situation with Covid-19, or for the or duty of care for the vulnerable clients they care for, or their own staff for that fact.
Failures are very much coming from the management of the company. If the same client kept complaining about the same issue any competent manager would ensure the issue was dealt with and not allow the same issue twice a day.

Reply from Carol jackson, Marketing Manager at Dale Care - Durham

Thank you for your review. I understand there have been a number of conversations between everyone involved and yourselves. Whilst we have tried on every occasion to deal with the issues, that have arisen, sadly a satisfactory outcome has not been reached.


Care / Support


Treated with Dignity

Value for Money

Review of

Dale Care - Durham

from A D (Daughter of Client) published on 20 April 2020
Overall Experience  Overall Experience 4.0 out of 5

My sister and myself would not be able to look after Mam without the help of the lovely carers. They are kind and caring to Mam and us. Mam likes the continuity of having the same carers daily.

Reply from Carol Jackson, Marketing Manager at Dale Care - Durham

Thank you so much for your lovely review. Dale Care


Care / Support


Treated with Dignity

Value for Money

Review of

Dale Care - Durham

from Colin P (Husband of Client) published on 16 April 2020
Overall Experience  Overall Experience 5.0 out of 5

The carers in this organisation have been excellent. They have cared for my wife for the past 4-months, and I couldn't have asked for better care. The carers show genuine compassion and are prepared to go above and beyond to make sure my wife feels comfortable and safe. I thought she may have an issue
with being cared for, but this has never been a problem. The carers are now part of the family, and my wife looks forward to them coming. Quite frankly, I don't know how I would have coped with this difficult period without their help. I can't praise them enough and am extremely grateful for all that they have done and all that they are continuing to do.

Reply from Carol Jackson, Marketing Manager at Dale Care - Durham

Thank you for such a lovely review; we do have an amazing team.


Care / Support


Treated with Dignity

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Review of

Dale Care - Durham

from L T (Daughter of Client) published on 6 April 2020
Overall Experience  Overall Experience 4.0 out of 5

Mum is very happy with her regular carers; they are very caring. The only problem she has is the weekends when her regular carers are off. The lady that regularly comes on that weekend; Mum refers to her as Mrs, I'm not allowed to do that. Mum also says she never wears gloves; which worries me in view
of the virus that is with us at present and my mother's age.

Reply from Carol jackson, Marketing Manager at Dale Care - Durham

Thank you so much for the review. We do take all comments very seriously and if the carer isn't wearing gloves this needs to be addressed quickly. Can you please email me with your contact number. Thank you, Dale Care, Carol.jackson@dalecare.co.uk


Care / Support


Treated with Dignity

Value for Money

Review of

Dale Care - Durham

from L F (Daughter of Client) published on 6 April 2020
Overall Experience  Overall Experience 5.0 out of 5

The carers are very caring and understanding with my Mum and a credit to their profession. Their humor and understanding are second to none. Thank you so much.

Reply from Carol jackson, Marketing Manager at Dale Care - Durham

Thank you so much for this lovely review of Dale Care.


Care / Support


Treated with Dignity

Value for Money

Review of

Dale Care - Durham

from J M (Client) published on 29 July 2019
Overall Experience  Overall Experience 5.0 out of 5

The reviewer was good. Listened to what I said and made notes about what/who I would like as my carer or when they were on holiday. All carers who I have had are very nice.


Care / Support


Treated with Dignity

Value for Money

Review of

Dale Care - Durham

from L S (Daughter of Client) published on 18 March 2019
Overall Experience  Overall Experience 1.0 out of 5

Carers are fine but it seems like they take on too much work.l My Mam, apart from her regular carers, never knows who is coming to her and what time. Weekends are the worst. Sometimes there is a gap of only 2 hours between lunch and teatime. We seem to be constantly phoning Dale care and we are fobbed
off every time. If it wasn't for certain carers we would request a different company.


Care / Support


Treated with Dignity

Value for Money

Review of

Dale Care - Durham

from Doreen T (Client) published on 18 March 2019
Overall Experience  Overall Experience 3.0 out of 5

It would be nice if you could always have the same carers. I know this is not possible, weekends are getting bad. Never know what time they will arrive for meals and always different carers. Some of the girls seem very distressed at times. I think it wants sorting out to keep them in the same areas
instead of all over the place, and a longer time. It is a hard job.


Care / Support


Treated with Dignity

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