Home Care Provider Owned by Hands In Harmony Home Care Services in Buckinghamshire

  • Home Care Provider Owned by Hands In Harmony Home Care Services in Buckinghamshire

Hands In Harmony Home Care Services Locations in Buckinghamshire (1)


1 Home Care Provider owned by Hands In Harmony Home Care Services in Buckinghamshire

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Hands In Harmony (Milton Keynes)

6 Warren Yard, Warren Park, Stratford Road, Wolverton Mill, Milton Keynes MK12 5NW 

1.0 3 reviews
  • Care Provided
  • Live in Care
  • Older Person Care
  • Dementia
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Hands In Harmony Home Care Services Reviews in Buckinghamshire (3)

Reviews Posted for members of Hands In Harmony Home Care Services

Overall Experience

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  • 2

Date Published

Review of

Hands In Harmony (Milton Keynes)

from D W (Next of Kin) published on 22 May 2023
Overall Experience  Overall Experience 1.0 out of 5

My mother was discharged from hospital under the hospital reablement programme. Hands in Harmony was contracted by MK Council Adult Social Care.
The carers were responsible for administering medication. Over a period of 6 days, only half the medication had been administered and they were caught out.
Council investigated the matter under Section 42 and the complaint upheld.

Reply from Terry Turner, Chairman at Hands In Harmony (Milton Keynes)

The client was transferred to our care from the hospital for a brief recovery programme. Initially, there was some confusion regarding the timing and responsibility for medication administration. In response, we fully co-operated with a safeguarding investigation, which resulted in a “partial substantiation” of the issue. As a result, we have made changes to our procedures and provided retraining to our staff to prevent any similar occurrences in the future.


Care / Support


Treated with Dignity

Value for Money

Review of

Hands In Harmony (Milton Keynes)

from A D (Sister-in-law of Client) published on 8 December 2021
Overall Experience  Overall Experience 1.0 out of 5

Like all professions, some staff are better than others. Based on three and half days of service in 2021. Would not let the staff from Hands in Harmony Milton Keynes across our front door. The last person was unprofessional, looking after somebody with dementia. Still waiting to hear from the manager!

Reply from Terry Turner, Chairman at Hands In Harmony (Milton Keynes)

The last carer referred to in this review witnessed a serious incident that resulted in the involvement of other agencies. To date, no family member has subsequently contacted us or made a complaint. If they had, we would have referred them to one of the other agencies who took over responsibility.


Care / Support


Treated with Dignity

Value for Money

Review of

Hands In Harmony (Milton Keynes)

from Brenda G (Daughter of Client) published on 20 February 2017
Overall Experience  Overall Experience 5.0 out of 5

My 95 yr old mother had carers from Everycare for 2 months. They were always punctual and did everything they could for her to ensure that she was comfortable and happy. Unfortunately, it was not possible for her to remain at home and she was transferred to a Nursing Home.

The Office staff were always

courteous and helpful and nothing was too much trouble for them, they always implemented my requests or suggestions.

I would have no hesitation in using Everycare again and would recommend them 100%.


Care / Support


Treated with Dignity

Value for Money


Awards / Recognitions (0)








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