Home Care Provider Owned by TuVida in Northamptonshire

  • Home Care Provider Owned by TuVida in Northamptonshire

TuVida Locations in Northamptonshire (1)


1 Home Care Provider owned by TuVida in Northamptonshire

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TuVida North Bucks & Milton Keynes

Unit 3, Stable Yard, Mount Mill Farm, Stratford Road, Milton Keynes MK19 6DG 

2 reviews
  • Care Provided
  • Live in Care
  • Older Person Care
  • Dementia
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TuVida Reviews in Northamptonshire (2)

Reviews Posted for members of TuVida

Overall Experience

  • 1
  • 1
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Date Published

Review of

TuVida North Bucks & Milton Keynes

from Patricia (Wife of Client) published on 8 August 2016
Overall Experience  Overall Experience 4.0 out of 5

I was doing my best but 2 or 3 hours sleep and realising I could not continue to try and care for my husband 24/7, I contacted Carers Trust North Bucks and Milton Keynes. I was already using their 'sitting' service for a monthly 2 hours break at the hairdresser's. Now I have somebody to shower and dress
my husband Mon-Fri and usually I have mine then too. The carers arrive cheery and professional and take over, so for an hour I can be 'me'. I was worried my husband would not accept them but not at all. I recently used the overnight stay service, having to attend a funeral many miles away and that worked too. No hesitation in recommend to others.

Reply from Anna Perry, Chief Executive at TuVida North Bucks & Milton Keynes

Thank you so much for such lovely feedback. I am so pleased that we have been able to make a real difference to you both. Hearing about this really makes our job worthwhile. Best wishes, Anna Perry, Chief Executive.


Care / Support


Treated with Dignity

Value for Money

Review of

TuVida North Bucks & Milton Keynes

from Cathy P (Client) published on 11 July 2016
Overall Experience  Overall Experience 5.0 out of 5

My son is severely autistic and needs constant supervision. His carer visits once a week for two hours and spends time with him so I can do something else with my younger son. She is his friend as well as his carer - she helps him with food, toilet, cleanliness and tickles his feet and rubs his back
- something he really likes. She is kind and fun and gets on well with the whole family.

Reply from Anna Perry, CEO at TuVida North Bucks & Milton Keynes

Thank you for this lovely review. I am so pleased that our Care Support Worker is providing your son with the care, support and companionship he needs. We are at heart a charity that exists to support carers, so hearing that you can spend time with your other son whilst we take over his care is perfect feedback for us. Thank you very much, Anna Perry, CEO


Care / Support


Treated with Dignity

Value for Money


Awards / Recognitions (0)








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