Home Care Providers Owned by Care At Home Group in Cheshire

8.6 Group Review Score (the average from all locations with a review score)
  • Home Care Providers Owned by Care At Home Group in Cheshire

Care At Home Group Locations in Cheshire (2)


2 Home Care Providers owned by Care At Home Group in Cheshire

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Care At Home Group Cheshire East & Northwich Branch

Suite 22, Edwin Foden Business Centre, Moss Lane, Sandbach CW11 3AE 

9.4 14 reviews
  • Care Provided
  • Live in Care
  • Older Person Care
  • Dementia
Care At Home Group Warrington & Halton

Warrington Business Park, Long Lane, Warrington WA2 8TX 

8.2 18 reviews
  • Care Provided
  • Live in Care
  • Older Person Care
  • Dementia
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Care At Home Group Reviews in Cheshire (32)

Care At Home Group has a Group Review Score of 8.6 (8.613) out of 10. The Group Review Score is calculated using the average from all locations with a Review Score, and in addition 75%+ of all locations belonging to Care At Home Group must have a Review Score.

Overall Experience

  • 13
  • 3
  • 0
  • 0
  • 4

Date Published

Review of

Care At Home Group Warrington & Halton

from W R (Son of Client) published on 13 June 2024
Overall Experience  Overall Experience 1.0 out of 5

Care at Home has provided services to my Mum for the last 9 months. Some of their carers really are excellent and cannot be faulted. However, some of the carers really are awful - not properly trained and not at all caring. Added to this, is the lack of continuity of care - we must have had at least
40 or 50 different carers in the last 9 months - the bad time-keeping and numerous other serious issues, I can only give this company the worst possible score. This company has no place in caring for vulnerable people. They are an absolute disgrace and it saddens me that they are the 'go-to' company for care for the council. They take on contracts without sufficient staff to cover the calls. Their staff turnaround is huge which says a lot. They say they take issues on board but they don't. I have a word limit here so can't list all issues but they will all be reported to the CQC. If you can avoid using Care at Home, do so.


Care / Support


Treated with Dignity

Value for Money

Review of

Care At Home Group Warrington & Halton

from Hazel K (Wife of Client) published on 4 June 2024
Overall Experience  Overall Experience 5.0 out of 5

I wish to record our satisfaction with the care provided by this care company. We were initially very apprehensive about having strangers coming into our home to care for my husband. We have however been very pleased with all the carers who have come.
We have now got one carer who comes most of the
time and this pleases us greatly. He is very kind and caring. He has been well trained and he carries out his duties with great focus and patience. As a result, my husband trusts him completely.
I find that when I need to contact the office, I find them very civil and responsive. We initially did not have the carers coming at the time that was most suitable for us but we were promised that as soon as they could, they would solve the problem. They truly did.

Reply from Elicia Lindley, Central hub manager at Care At Home Group Warrington & Halton

Thank you for taking the time to complete a review. It is a pleasure to provide support.


Care / Support


Treated with Dignity

Value for Money

Review of

Care At Home Group Cheshire East & Northwich Branch

from K S (Client) published on 3 June 2024
Overall Experience  Overall Experience 1.0 out of 5

This agency has made my life hell since they took my contract in Apr 24. My contract was for 2 calls a day, 8am and 8pm for 1 hour each call. It was also stipulated in my contract that I needed to have a regular care worker because my children don't like strangers being in the house. I've rarely seen
the same person more than once. The morning call turns up any time between 6am and 12pm and the evening call any time between 4pm and 10pm! 90% of them can't speak English and are unable to communicate, they only stay for 40 mins each call, they rarely get more than one task done. They are rude and disrespectful and turn up smelling like they've not bathed in months. The office staff are completely useless and do nothing to help. It's not just clients having issues either, I know that they are not paying staff, they are lying about members of staff's names due to complaints, they are abusing vulnerable clients and not providing care because they are unable to complain. They are a liability.

Reply from Stephanie Morris, Registered manager at Care At Home Group Cheshire East & Northwich Branch

I am saddened to read your review, not only because of the negative experience you have made comments about but also because not all of the above concerns had been reported through to the office. I would like to respond and advise you are correct that the call times were not always to schedule and efforts were made to rectify this however, I feel that the concern you have raised regarding the staffing is untrue. All of our employees are employed staff members, all complete a CQC standard onboarding and training process and all staff are monitored and have regular check ins with the office team. Our employees do also sometimes go by preferred names this does not mean we lie about our employees' names. I did try to reach out to speak to you regarding your concerns however you did not wish to meet with me, I apologise that we weren't able to provide the service that you would have liked, and we have taken some of your comments for advisement on ways we can improve our service.


Care / Support


Treated with Dignity

Value for Money

Review of

Care At Home Group Cheshire East & Northwich Branch

from J H (Daughter of Client) published on 16 January 2024
Overall Experience  Overall Experience 1.0 out of 5

Whilst the carers themselves are lovely, the management of the care service is totally shambolic.
This is not person centred care. We never know whether a carer will turn up for my father or not, or when they will come.
No one has the courtesy to ring and tell us anything and new staff who turn
up have had no training and we have to show them what to do. Carers are given no travel time so are always late. My dad’s carer is supposed to come at 8.30. They actually come anywhere from 7am to 11am. With no contact. Sometimes they just don’t turn up. It means I have to get him up most mornings myself rather than work. They are totally unreliable and you really can’t depend on them. At weekends they don’t answer the phone. Constant excuses from a revolving door of new managers. Avoid this branch at all costs.

Reply from Elicia Lindley, Central hub manager at Care At Home Group Cheshire East & Northwich Branch

Thank you for taking the time to complete this review. We take concerns like this very seriously. I can assure you that all the concerns featured in this review have been addressed within the branch. Whilst the package did end recently with Care at Home Group, we went above and beyond to reinstate this care package when another care provision did not work out. We will continue to work with the client and their family to ensure the service meets expectations.

If you would like to discuss this any further please contact the registered manager Kerry Fisher Kerry.fisher@cahg.co.uk


Care / Support


Treated with Dignity

Value for Money

Review of

Care At Home Group Warrington & Halton

from Karen H (Sister of Client) published on 27 September 2023
Overall Experience  Overall Experience 4.0 out of 5

The care company are reliable, we have never been let down. However, sometimes the bedtime call is too early. The staff are all very friendly and cheerful and they monitor the client's health well. They report anything they think needs attention.
More care could be taken in putting the night time pad
on as every morning the client's nighty is wet.

Reply from Elicia Lindley, Central hub manager at Care At Home Group Warrington & Halton

Thank you for taking the time to complete a review. It is a pleasure to provide support.


Care / Support


Treated with Dignity

Value for Money

Review of

Care At Home Group Warrington & Halton

from V V (Client) assisted by family/friend published on 26 September 2023
Overall Experience  Overall Experience 5.0 out of 5

I have received very good care overall from Care At Home and same staff and elements of care are excellent. The carers are friendly and are observant to my needs, communicating any concerns to my wife, so that they can be acted upon. More experienced staff offer good advice and are sympathetic in difficult
times. Staff are chatty and interested in my life, whilst being efficient in their work. Some staff contact us if they are running late, which can happen. Management adapt to accommodate events in our life without fuss.

Reply from Elicia Lindley, Central Hub Manager at Care At Home Group Warrington & Halton

Thank you for taking the time to complete a review. It is a pleasure to provide support.


Care / Support


Treated with Dignity

Value for Money

Review of

Care At Home Group Warrington & Halton

from B S (Granddaughter of Client) published on 14 August 2023
Overall Experience  Overall Experience 1.0 out of 5

This agency has been providing care for my grandmother for months. I have raised my concerns to the deputy manager to only be told that I'm being listened to and lessons will be learnt and she will pass my concerns to the team manager. Many of the carers that attend don't speak English. She regularly
doesn't get given food that is left for her. Today the carer told her he didn't know what to do with an egg and left her a cold potato cake. Some carers have asked what an egg is. They are supposed to assist with the laundry, but they regularly tell her they don't know how to work a washing machine. They have turned the fridge freezer off. They have left a ring on the stove causing a fire risk (grandmother is in a wheelchair). They are regularly late, they are regularly early. Carers don't leave her water in the hot weather. They have just given her coleslaw for lunch. They leave the front door unlocked and have taken the key home with them. The company is not fit for purpose.

Reply from Elicia Lindley, Central hub manager at Care At Home Group Warrington & Halton

Thank you for taking the time to complete this review. We take concerns like this very seriously. I can assure you that all the concerns featured in this review have been addressed within the branch and the branch will continue to monitor and review the care package.

If you would to discuss this any further please contact the operations manager on smith.jennifer@cahg.co.uk


Care / Support


Treated with Dignity

Value for Money

Review of

Care At Home Group Cheshire East & Northwich Branch

from Margaret B (Wife of Client) published on 28 June 2023
Overall Experience  Overall Experience 5.0 out of 5

We are so fortunate having the carer you have sent to us. Nothing is too much trouble. She always has a smile on her face, whatever the day has been. I, being the carer to my husband, it is so lovely seeing someone different and being able to talk to them. I must say, the carer is always tidy and wears
a protective apron and gloves.
Thank you for everything.

Reply from Elicia Lindley, Central hub manager at Care At Home Group Cheshire East & Northwich Branch

Thank you for taking the time to complete a review. It is a pleasure to provide support.


Care / Support


Treated with Dignity

Value for Money

Review of

Care At Home Group Cheshire East & Northwich Branch

from Brian B (Client) published on 27 June 2023
Overall Experience  Overall Experience 5.0 out of 5

The staff that come and support me are always very kind, respectful and cheerfully helpful. They always encourage me to do as much for myself as I can.

Reply from Elicia Lindley, Central hub manager at Care At Home Group Cheshire East & Northwich Branch

Thank you for taking the time to complete a review. It is a pleasure to provide support.


Care / Support


Treated with Dignity

Value for Money

Review of

Care At Home Group Cheshire East & Northwich Branch

from J G (Client) assisted by family/friend published on 21 June 2023
Overall Experience  Overall Experience 5.0 out of 5

Care visits are carried out by a capable person. She has a pleasant and does a good job. The shower assistance, in particular, is of great value. Thanks.

Reply from Elicia Lindley, Central hub manager at Care At Home Group Cheshire East & Northwich Branch

Thank you for taking the time to complete a review. It is a pleasure to provide support.


Care / Support


Treated with Dignity

Value for Money

Review of

Care At Home Group Cheshire East & Northwich Branch

from Thomas S (Client) published on 15 June 2023
Overall Experience  Overall Experience 5.0 out of 5

The majority of my care visits have been very good. I have experienced great care and encouragement to raise my spirits and eat. I am very happy with the professional, caring and willing approach exercised.

Reply from Elicia Lindley, Central hub manager at Care At Home Group Cheshire East & Northwich Branch

Thank you for taking the time to complete a review. It is a pleasure to provide support.


Care / Support


Treated with Dignity

Value for Money

Review of

Care At Home Group Cheshire East & Northwich Branch

from Margaret L (Client) assisted by family/friend published on 6 June 2023
Overall Experience  Overall Experience 5.0 out of 5

Excellent, everyone has supported me really well since returning home from hospital. I am now able to be more independent with the support from all staff members.

Reply from Elicia Lindley, Central hub manager at Care At Home Group Cheshire East & Northwich Branch

Thank you for taking the time to complete a review. It is a pleasure to provide support.


Care / Support


Treated with Dignity

Value for Money

Review of

Care At Home Group Cheshire East & Northwich Branch

from K V (Daughter of Client) published on 16 May 2023
Overall Experience  Overall Experience 5.0 out of 5

The manager and the community care coordinator are brilliant, also the care team that goes into my mum are fantastic. Couldn't ask for better peace of mind. Very supportive and caring. I feel 100% safe and happy knowing Mum is getting the care she needs.

Reply from Elicia Lindley, Central hub manager at Care At Home Group Cheshire East & Northwich Branch

Thank you for taking the time to complete a review. It is a pleasure to provide support.


Care / Support


Treated with Dignity

Value for Money

Review of

Care At Home Group Cheshire East & Northwich Branch

from Alan W (Client) assisted by family/friend published on 14 May 2023
Overall Experience  Overall Experience 4.0 out of 5

Always been happy with the care I received from the Care At Home Group. They are always very caring and pleasant and nothing is too much trouble.

Reply from Elicia Lindley, Central hub manager at Care At Home Group Cheshire East & Northwich Branch

Thank you for taking the time to complete a review. It is a pleasure to provide support.


Care / Support


Treated with Dignity

Value for Money

Review of

Care At Home Group Cheshire East & Northwich Branch

from Ada M (Client) published on 12 May 2023
Overall Experience  Overall Experience 5.0 out of 5

My husband and I have received excellent support from Care At Home Group and all the staff that we have met. The staff have always been very helpful and supportive. Nothing is too much trouble for them.

Reply from Elicia Lindley, Central hub manager at Care At Home Group Cheshire East & Northwich Branch

Thank you for taking the time to complete a review. It is a pleasure to provide support.


Care / Support


Treated with Dignity

Value for Money

Review of

Care At Home Group Warrington & Halton

from Suzanne W (Client) published on 12 May 2023
Overall Experience  Overall Experience 5.0 out of 5

By far, one of the best care companies out there. The manager and staff are fully trained, experienced, polite, knowledgeable and compassionate. Timekeeping has never been an issue. I would highly recommend this company.

Reply from Elicia Lindley, Central hub manager at Care At Home Group Warrington & Halton

Thank you for taking the time to complete a review. It is a pleasure to provide support.


Care / Support


Treated with Dignity

Value for Money

Review of

Care At Home Group Cheshire East & Northwich Branch

from Helen S (Daughter of Client) published on 5 May 2023
Overall Experience  Overall Experience 5.0 out of 5

I could not compliment the team that works with Mum and Dad enough. They have changed our lives. Their care is second to none and they have never let us down. Having them takes the stress away.
What I particularly like is they listen to your requests and implement them within the plan. Mum and Dad
are very happy and their lives revolve around seeing the carers' smiley faces.
Because I live away, they have shown me how to update the app on my phone and I can follow their progress throughout the day which takes away any worries on my side.
They are very much part of our family now.

Reply from Elicia Lindley, Central hub manager at Care At Home Group Cheshire East & Northwich Branch

Thank you for taking the time to complete a review. It is a pleasure to support your mum and dad.


Care / Support


Treated with Dignity

Value for Money

Review of

Care At Home Group Warrington & Halton

from George R (Husband of Client) published on 18 April 2023
Overall Experience  Overall Experience 4.0 out of 5

It has been necessary for my wife to have care at home for some considerable time now and, as a spouse, the first thing to adjust to is, what initially are, 'strangers' coming into your home on a regular basis. Those strangers, as far as we are concerned, become the regular, friendly, caring support
that we could not manage without.
We have a high regard for the carers from Care At Home Group and the service provided in general.

Reply from Elicia Lindley, Central hub manager at Care At Home Group Warrington & Halton

Thank you for taking the time to complete a review. It is a pleasure to support your wife.


Care / Support


Treated with Dignity

Value for Money

Review of

Care At Home Group Cheshire East & Northwich Branch

from Dani I (Daughter of Client) published on 3 April 2023
Overall Experience  Overall Experience 5.0 out of 5

We were very apprehensive about using a new care provider, given Dad’s level of disability. Care At home Group has been outstanding. Faultlessly reliable. Very approachable and good lines of communication between staff and family. Our concerns have been eased and it’s been great to have a team of people
looking after Dad who actually cares.

Reply from Elicia Lindley, Central Hub Manager at Care At Home Group Cheshire East & Northwich Branch

Thank you for taking the time to complete a review. It is a pleasure to support your dad.


Care / Support


Treated with Dignity

Value for Money

Review of

Care At Home Group Cheshire East & Northwich Branch

from Catherine E (Client) published on 21 March 2023
Overall Experience  Overall Experience 5.0 out of 5

The staff at Care At Home Group are wonderful and so helpful, they know what to do for me before I even ask.
My needs are taken care of, so lovely, everyone is so adaptable too, nothing is too much trouble at all and they put me at ease and make me feel comfortable. They always leave me with a smile
on my face.
I cannot recommend them enough, they are like family to me now. I appreciate them very much.

Reply from Elicia Lindley, Central hub manager at Care At Home Group Cheshire East & Northwich Branch

Thank you for taking the time to write a review, it is a pleasure to support you.


Care / Support


Treated with Dignity

Value for Money


Awards / Recognitions (1)








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