Home Care Providers Owned by Share The Care Ltd

  • Home Care Providers Owned by Share The Care Ltd

Share The Care Ltd Locations (2)


2 Home Care Providers owned by Share The Care Ltd

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Share The Care

20 Chetney View, Iwade, Sittingbourne ME9 8SU 

1 review
Share the Care Liverpool

Suite 3, New Lodge Works, South Boundary Road, Knowsley Industrial Park, Liverpool L33 7SF 

  • Care Provided
  • Older Person Care
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Share The Care Ltd Reviews (1)

Reviews Posted for members of Share The Care Ltd

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Review of

Share The Care

from Claire P (Daughter of Client) published on 19 November 2020
Overall Experience  Overall Experience 1.0 out of 5

They were absolutely useless, having zero common sense. The first time they came they moved my mum's walker to the other side of the room which she needed to steady herself to get to the commode. She then fell on the floor cutting herself on the commode. If it wasn't for my dad's carers alerting us
to the fact that she was on the floor she would have lain there until morning, with a bad cut on her face. They also kept putting the heavy lid onto her commode which she could not lift, we ended up having to put a note up as they kept putting the phone and her tv controls on the other side of the room where she could not reach them, the control to the bed out of reach, they left the front door open. It was incredibly exasperating, we ended up doing most of the work ourselves in the end. We didn't even get a condolence off the carers or the agency when she died. I would not recommend them ever.

Reply from Memory Nyazika, Manager at Share The Care

Firstly we would like to send our condolence to your family on your mothers passing. We are sorry you felt that our service was useless and lacked common sense. We would have liked you to have made contact with us so as to raise these issues but during the four weeks, we looked after your mum none of these issues was brought to our attention. Your mum did have a fall after the last call of the day and the fall was put down to progression of her illness at the time of which after that it was agreed she will not be getting out to the commode. We are grateful that she was found as we would have no way of knowing what happens between calls until the next visit. I have gone through her notes and I can see that the carers stated how they left your mum in terms of remote, commode, frame position after each call but there was an odd occasion when the remote was out of reach. Condolences were passed on the phone the morning of her passing with her granddaughter.


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Frequently Asked Questions about Share The Care Ltd

How many Agencies does Share The Care Ltd own?

Share The Care Ltd own 2 Agencies.

Which Share The Care Ltd Agencies have the highest review score?

Share The Care & Share the Care Liverpool has the highest review score.