At we take great pride in the quality and trustworthiness of our reviews.
Our review team have read every one of the 77,256 home care provider reviews before they were published on The team performs a number of checks to ensure the reviews comply with our review policy.
If a home care provider has received one or more reviews in the previous 2 years, a review score (a circular icon similar to above) will show on its search result listing and on its profile page.
The review score ranges from 10 (best) - 1 (worst). The score's algorithm takes into account the quantity, quality and recency of a home care provider's reviews and ratings.
We hope it provides care seekers with a simple, but powerful 'at a glance' metric. However we recommend reading every review if interested in a particular home care provider.
Our annual Home Care Awards recognises 20 of the top rated Home Care Providers in each region of the UK based on reviews from residents / service users and their family / friends.
View the 2024 Home Care Award WinnersOur annual home care group awards recognises groups/owners with the most top rated home care provider members.
View the 2024 Group Award WinnersThe review score shown is the average review score for all home care providers in the relevant country, region or county. The review score is a proprietary score that ranges from 1 - 10 and takes into account review recency, quantity and overall rating value.
Live-in care means that a trained care worker will move into your home to be available 24 hours a day and provide care and support as and when needed. This could be anything from personal care to complex care, depending on individual needs.
Nursing care is provided and supervised by a registered nurse. It is for people who struggle significantly with daily life and/or have various medical conditions or disabilities and need regular treatment.
Older Person Care is the care and support provided to people over the age of 65, which involves everything from personal care to nursing care depending on individual needs.
A Home Care Provider that offers dementia care will have experienced staff who have been specially trained to look after people with all forms and stages of dementia, such as Alzheimer's Disease.
The amount you have to pay for home care very much depends on your level of need and your assets.
There is a whole range of different types of home care out there from companionship care to respite care to live in care.
A care needs assessment is carried out before a person starts receiving care.
The home care you choose has to be right for your needs and budget.
Making a home dementia-friendly can significantly increase the quality of life...
When you arrange home care, you must declare this change of circumstances to your local council as soon as possible...
If you are nearing end of life or you are diagnosed with a life-limiting illness, you may think that you have to move away from home.
Carers can get £67.25 per week in Carer's Allowance, which is the main benefit to help those with caring responsibilities in the UK... is the leading UK Home Care Jobs Board.
There are currently 2,213 Home Care Jobs posted, including:
Join 49,241 Job Seekers on by Registering Your CV.
Organisations using the dedicated Home Care CV Search will then contact you about any suitable Job Vacancies.