Would you like to work for a company that truly values and respects every member of the care team? We are one of the only companies in this area that has been rated OUTSTANDING by CQC in the “Well Led” category. The role of a Live-in Carer is similar to other Care roles with one notable exception, you are not a visitor, but a key part of the household. We assist our customers to maintain their independence...
Bluebird Care Bristol, Bath and NE Somerset is an incredibly supportive and rewarding company. We pride ourselves in providing our customers with compassionate, person-centered support. Working for us, you can expect a friendly, warm and welcoming environment, whether you are working with another Care Assistant on shift, or popping to the office for your monthly supervision. We are committed to the...
Hazel care limited offers high quality and personalised care, finding the right people who genuinely care about helping and getting things right. If you come and work for us you will have confidence providing support, which is authentic and you will be offered, adequate high-quality training and support which means that, in turn, you provide the very best level of care to our clients. We offer good...