Team Leader
Provide leadership to the team acting as a positive role model at all times.
Lead the shift, ensuring staff give support that follows individual’s care plans and daily support plans.
Provide effective supervision to the Care Workers on your team.
Provide on-call cover as arranged by the Home Manager, working within on-call guidance.
Ensure good team working.
Motivate, support and mentor the staff when needed.
At each shift ensure staff complete all necessary paperwork to an acceptable standard and sign off.
Ensure all personal care tasks are carried out in line with the needs, wishes and preferences of the Service User’s, following the care plan.
Support the Carer workers to develop and expand social networks, friendships, and good team spirit
Contribute to / attend reviews and multi-disciplinary meetings.
Work in cooperation with SGM Care Senior Managements and other professionals to maximise quality of life for individuals.
Develop positive relationships with Service users families and carers.
Work in line with the company’s Adult Protection and Prevention of Abuse Policy and Whistle Blowing Policy to ensure that people are always kept safe.
At all times to work within equal opportunities policy and procedure.
Ensure risk assessments are actioned as necessary, in line with policies and procedures.
To be flexible and responsive at all times to meet the changing needs of the service and the service users.
Values and Attitudes
Support individuals in a non-judgemental way based on the principals of anti- discriminatory practice.
To treat individuals with respect and encourage them to express their individuality.
Performance and Development
Maintain confidentiality.
Work in a way that meets the statutory requirements of employees under health and safety at work.
Adhere to the SGM Care Codes of Practice and staff handbook.
At all times work within current legislation.
Enter actively into supervision and appraisal.
Attend training on a regular basis to ensure that all mandatory and personal training and development needs are met in line with company requirements. To work in accordance with the company’s mobile phone and IT policies.
To behave in a manner that reflects positively on the company at all times.
To work closely with other members of the care team for the ultimate of everyone
This job description is not exhaustive and there may be times you will be required to undertake other duties in order to meet the needs of the people living in the home or the service.