Job Location: Pinner Office.
Job description:
We need an individual who is experienced with coordinating in domicilary care.
As a care coordinator you will be in charge of creating individual care plans and packages for our clients, possible training, collaborating with other organisations and carrying out calls or visits for client check ups.
You should be able to conduct risk assessments and engage with our clients for over the phone reviews and any other calls with client families, staff or other organisations.
Creating care plans no only includes risk assesmments but information on diet, lifestlye and day-to-day living of the client. Care plans must be precise and always kept up to date as well as specific and individual to each client.
You may need to travel for any assesmments of the client or check ups, so you must have the ability to be ready to travel whenever required.
You will be overseeing that all care plans are filed and followed through by our carers and all paperwork is kept up to date. Making sure the client and their family are happy with the care package provided.
You may need to be prepared to assist with staff training and overseeing staff with their care.
You will have to take any necessary training tto keep up to date with the qualifications. Any training can be provided by the company.
Job Qualification/Skills:
Minimum of NVQ Level 2 in Health and Social Care.
Drivers License preferred, but not necessary.
Collaborative/Team worker.
Communication skills.
Organisation skills.
Hard worker.
Analaytical skills and an eye for detail.