Theresa May takes break from Putin and Brexit to talk with home care workers

Last Updated: 28 Mar 2018 @ 14:20 PM
Article By: Angeline Albert

Prime Minister Theresa May took time out from dealing with Russia, Brexit talks and international terrorism to chat with home care workers at the unveiling of Right at Home’s 50th domiciliary care business.

Prime Minister Theresa May cuts the ribbon to officially open Right at Home's 50th home care branch Credit: Right at Home

Fresh from talks with allies on how to deal with Russia's President Vladimir Putin in response to the chemical attack in Salisbury, Mrs May dropped in to Twyford to cut the red ribbon on a new home care business, after its owner Kevin Lancaster wrote to the PM asking her to visit.

During her trip to the Right at Home Reading and Wokingham branch on 16 March, Theresa May spoke with seven home care workers and discussed the difference appropriately timed home care visits can make to a client’s mental well-being.

Right at Home's staff told the PM about their work, which involves making care visits to people in their own homes lasting no less than one hour.

May: 'Being a carer has its challenges'

Mrs May said of her talks with home care workers: “It was heart-warming to hear how passionate Right at Home’s CareGivers are about the difference they make to people’s lives.

“By being that regular visitor and building that friendly, trusting relationship with local people living safely in their own homes, they are providing them with as much independence as possible. It was wonderful to see just how much satisfaction CareGivers get from helping others.”

Theresa May meets with home care workers Credit: Right at Home

News of Theresa May's visit to the home care firm broke alongside news of her decision to expel 23 Russian 'diplomats' from the UK deemed to be spies. Her move has since been followed by other leaders who have collectively expelled over 150 Russian diplomats from 27 countries around the globe.

And as she faced multiple challenges trying to represent Britain's interests on the world stage, she reflected on the battles home care workers face. “Being a carer no doubt has its challenges, but the training and support provided by Kevin and his team to enable CareGivers to help some of the most vulnerable people in our society is something that should be commended.”

Owner Kevin Lancaster's letter inviting her to the new branch, came after the formerly named 'Department of Health' was rebranded to 'Department of Health and Social Care'. The name change is part of the Prime Minister's bid to show the public that social care is a high-level issue being addressed by the Government.

Mr Lancaster's Reading and Wokingham District branch is the company’s second home care business in the PM's Maidenhead constituency, following the creation of Right at Home's Windsor and Slough office.

Kevin Lancaster: 'Grateful' PM spared the time to come

Home care staff with Theresa May Credit: Right at Home

Staff at the Twyford office began caring for people in their homes in January. The home care service offers people help to wash and dress, get household chores done, and also offers a wide range of other support including companionship.

Mrs May also met Right at Home Windsor and Maidenhead branch owner Scott MacRae, whose business was named as one of the top 10 providers out of home care businesses in the South East of England by in 2017.

While the branch cares for 70 people living at home, Reading and Wokingham supports 12 to date (28 March). Between them, the two branches are looking to recruit 100 more care workers over the next year.

Mr Lancaster said of the Prime Minister's visit: “We were delighted to welcome Mrs May to our offices and were grateful that she took the time to speak with our fantastic CareGivers who deserve huge recognition for what they do on a daily basis.”

Ken Deary, chief executive of Right at Home UK, was eager to discuss the issues facing adult social care. He said: "We are keen to work with Government to support the challenges faced in the wider social care sector.”

click here for more details or to contact Right at Home (Reading & Wokingham District)