Age UK is running a social media campaign in a bid to tackle the stigma around sex and the elderly, after research showed a rise in STIs in people aged 65 and over.
A study conducted by the charity found that in England, the rate of STI diagnoses rose by 23 per cent between 2014 and 2018 in both men and women aged 65 and over.
In 2018 there were nearly three times more new diagnoses of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) among men aged 45-64 than among women in the same age group. Men in this age group received 23,943 diagnoses of STIs, an 18 per cent increase since 2014, while women received 8,837 diagnoses, a four per cent increase since 2014.
Between 2014 and 2018 there was a reduction in new STI diagnoses in men aged 20-24 (7.3 per cent less than in 2014) whereas in men aged 45-64 there was a 13.9 per cent increase.
Caroline Abrahams, Age UK’s charity director said: “Sex continues to be important for many of us well into old age, but for some reason, the whole topic remains taboo in some circles. This is a shame and it also means that sexually active older people are at greater risk of STIs than they need to be or ought to be.
“Health professionals should be open about discussing sexual health with older people and certainly not immediately jump to the conclusion that sex is irrelevant once you pass a certain birthday. Public health messages around sexual health and STI prevention also need to recognise the reality that sex is a part of many people’s later lives and aim to be inclusive of people of all ages.”
'The sexual health of older people should not be overlooked'
The campaign is tackling themes around sexual safety and the need to use protection at any age, access to health services and how these need to be appropriate for people of all ages, as well as tackling issues such as diversity, women’s health and emotional intimacy.
The campaign has been developed by a Manchester-based coalition of academic, public and voluntary sector organisations called the sexual health of older people (SHOP) working group.
Councillor Mary Watson, lead member for ageing, Manchester City Council said: “Manchester City Council works hard to address the negative images and portrayal of ageing that older people tell us negatively impact on their confidence, self-esteem and wellbeing. This year, to celebrate international day of older people, we want to work together to be ‘age proud’ about intimacy in later life.”
Analysis of the English longitudinal study of ageing (ELSA) shows 80 per cent of people aged 75 and above agree satisfactory sexual relations are essential to the maintenance of a long-term relationship, however, many people may not be getting the support from health care professionals that they need to remain sexually active as they get older.
Dr Dave Lee, reader in epidemiology and gerontology at Manchester Metropolitan University says: “The sexual health of older people should not be overlooked by health care professionals in the broader context of maintaining well-being during ageing.
“Recognising that sexual health may be an unspoken quality of life issue for older individuals could also improve the relationship between physician and patients, with better outcomes for the latter.”