I would like to thank all carers, managers, and all other staff for the
care they give us, their absolute dedication to their clients like
myself. Looking out for each other, making sure we are all safe, we have
food in our cupboards, we have a smile on our faces. I will never be
able to thank them enough in this awful time our country is going
through but I know I am safe with Lifeline and very proud to sing their
praises which are so deserved Thank you.
Latest Reviews for Lifeline Homecare Ltd
23 April 2020
I would like to thank all carers, managers, and all other staff for the
care they give us, their absolute dedication to their clients like
myself. Looking out for each other, making sure we are all safe, we have
food in our cupboards, we have a smile on our faces. I will never be
able to thank them enough in this awful time our country is going
through but I know I am safe with Lifeline and very proud to sing their
praises which are so deserved Thank you.