At first, seemed fine but then cracks appeared. Carers are fine if your
relative has no personal needs like changing them, washing them,
changing bed but sometimes they forget to feed for a long time.
Management is awful. They don't have time to train people up. If your
parents have needs to wash, dress, assist to the toilet don't bother
because they could not be bothered. I had an awful time. The carers,
some are fab, others need to work in a pub. If your relatives are
able-bodied great, if not forget it.
Latest Reviews for Care Plus
07 October 2021
At first, seemed fine but then cracks appeared. Carers are fine if your
relative has no personal needs like changing them, washing them,
changing bed but sometimes they forget to feed for a long time.
Management is awful. They don't have time to train people up. If your
parents have needs to wash, dress, assist to the toilet don't bother
because they could not be bothered. I had an awful time. The carers,
some are fab, others need to work in a pub. If your relatives are
able-bodied great, if not forget it.