I am writing to express my thanks for your company's care of my mother
who has Alzheimer's Type Dementia. Since the care has been in place and
is now seven days a week two visits a day with additional befriending
support. The improvement in my mother's care and appearance has been
very noticeable. She is now clean and smart in her appearance well
supported and has now resumed her self-care routine of wearing her
make-up and doing her hair once again and is generally much more content
with your support. She is treated with dignity and respect by all the
team. The care and support have been outstanding from all the carers
without exception. My mother loves the befriending visits and trips out
which have recently started. The Care Coordinator DW and Care
Practitioner coordinate my mother's care and support extremely well,
nothing is too much trouble, well done and lead a very capable care
team. Well Done to all the team from an appreciative family.
Latest Reviews for Helping Hand Homecare
17 March 2023
I am writing to express my thanks for your company's care of my mother
who has Alzheimer's Type Dementia. Since the care has been in place and
is now seven days a week two visits a day with additional befriending
support. The improvement in my mother's care and appearance has been
very noticeable. She is now clean and smart in her appearance well
supported and has now resumed her self-care routine of wearing her
make-up and doing her hair once again and is generally much more content
with your support. She is treated with dignity and respect by all the
team. The care and support have been outstanding from all the carers
without exception. My mother loves the befriending visits and trips out
which have recently started. The Care Coordinator DW and Care
Practitioner coordinate my mother's care and support extremely well,
nothing is too much trouble, well done and lead a very capable care
team. Well Done to all the team from an appreciative family.