How can elderly keep warm in cold winter?

keep elderly warm in cold weather, help elderly stay warm, elderly feeling cold

Are you one of the elderly feeling cold this winter? You may be concerned about how to keep warm in cold months, particularly with the cost of heating your home in winter. For older people trying to keep warm in cold weather, here are some budget-friendly tips.

How can you protect elderly from cold weather?

Almost half of adults in England (47%) increase the assistance they give older relatives during the colder months, according to figures from care provider Greensleeves Care.

Relatives can help with shopping, making social visits and doing household tasks like cleaning and cooking. They also provide transport and financial support. This extra support comes as 62% of people report feeling more concerned about the welfare of their older relatives and friends in the colder months, when compared to any other time of year.

Paul Newman, chief executive of Greensleeves Care, said: “Many families worry about their loved ones more in winter and often escalate their support, which can lead to them feeling stretched and overwhelmed. Winter is a prime opportunity to spot for changes in the care needs of our older relatives and friends.”

Why is it harder for older people to stay warm?

Changes to the body as you get older means cold weather and winter viruses will affect you more than they used to. This is because;

  • As you age, your immune systems become weaker, making you less able to fight off viruses.
  • Older people lose the muscle mass that helps you keep warm and moving about.
  • Some people experience frailty as they age. This can make it more difficult to keep active.
  • The cold also makes health conditions harder to manage. It can even affect your heart and circulation. The heart doesn’t circulate blood as well, so less heat is released from vessels in the skin. Systems from the cardiovascular to the immune struggle to compensate.
  • The cold can increase the risk of a stroke or heart attack, as well as hypothermia. If you suspect you, or someone else, is experiencing any of these, call 999.

How do you keep an elderly person warm in the winter?

1. Wear lots of layers

  • Several thin layers are best to help elderly keep warm, rather than one thick piece of clothing. Base layers such as thermal vests or long sleeve tops can trap heat.
  • This is especially important for going outdoors. Ensure you wrap up well and have good sturdy boots, a coat, gloves, scarf and a hat outdoors. 

2. Keep Moving

  • Move around at least once an hour and avoid sitting still for long periods. Even a little activity can help the elderly keep warm and maintain strength and mobility.
  • Keep as active as possible to boost your circulation. Light exercise helps older people stay warm.
  • Gentle movement while seated also helps if you are elderly feeling cold.
  • When you sit down, put your feet up because it is coldest nearest the ground.

3. Eat hot meals and consume hot drinks

  • Eat hot meals and have regular hot drinks.
  • Budget-friendly homemade hot meals include for example porridge, jacket potatoes, pasta, soups and stews.
  • Eat a healthy balanced diet that includes at least five portions of fruit and vegetables per day. This can help your immune system to work well during winter. 
  • If you want to keep your energy bill down, try using a slow cooker, microwave or air fryer which can help you reduce costs, compared to an oven-cooked meal.
  • Hot meals and warm drinks contribute to a person’s warmth but some people need help with the shopping bill. If you need urgent help getting food and cannot afford to pay for it, you can get free food by visiting your local foodbank. Foodbanks give out free parcels that should provide at least three days’ worth of in-date, non-perishable food. The Trussell Trust is one of the biggest foodbank charities in the UK. You can search for your nearest Trussell Trust foodbank .
  • If you are struggling to afford the weekly food bill, find out if you live near a social supermarket. These are aimed at people on low incomes who would like to pay a lower price for food. Social supermarkets sell surplus products from major supermarkets at heavily discounted prices. You can find your nearest social supermarket by visiting:

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4. Keep your home warm

If you are elderly and feeling cold, you must ensure your home is adequately heated. Not heating your home properly can contribute to damp issues and frozen pipes if the weather is cold. This can result in hundreds of pounds worth of damage. The Energy Saving Trust recommends ventilating rooms and having the heating on to some degree during winter.

  • Try and keep the room where you spend most of your time, (e.g. living room or bedroom) heated to at least 18°C, if possible. 
  • Remember to turn off radiators in hallways or rooms that aren’t being used and close doors to trap heat in certain areas.
  • Only heat areas of the house as you need them. For example, you might choose to turn the heating on in your bedroom before bed.
  • You can use a hot water bottle or an electric blanket to keep warm at night. You should avoid using an electric blanket if you are unable to use the controls yourself, because you could turn the heat up too high.
  • Try and block any areas in your home that are draughty, including around window frames and under doors. 
  • Keep your curtains open in the daytime to let light and warmth in but close your curtains before it gets dark to avoid losing heat.

5. Seek help if struggling to keep warm

Many elderly struggle to stay warm in cold weather because they cannot afford to buy food or pay their energy bill to heat their home.

If you are finding it hard to protect yourself as an elderly person from cold this winter:

  • Go to a warm bank. Many councils and other organisations are opening warm banks (also known as heat banks) this winter. Warm banks offer people somewhere warm, if they cannot afford to heat their own homes. Check with individual venues for opening times, facilities before you visit your nearest warm bank
  • Seek help by speaking to your local council. Councils have a Household Support Fund to help vulnerable households. To see if you are eligible for the Household Support Fund, contact your local authority.
  • If you have reached state pension age or have a long-term health condition, your energy supplier can offer you support through the Priority Services Register (PSR). This is a free service that offers extra help to people in vulnerable situations. 
  • You can get help heating your home with a Winter Fuel Payment. To be eligible for Winter Fuel Payment you need to be of State Pension age and be receiving a qualifying benefit.
  • Check to see you are eligible to receive the Warm Home Discount which is a discount off your electricity bill, to help with heating bills.


How to keep elderly warm in cold weather

Older people can keep warm by dressing in several thin layers, eating hot meals and hot drinks and keeping your home heated adequately. 

What is the cheapest way to stay warm?

Wear lots of thin layers of clothing, eat budget friendly hot meals and drinks, visit a local warm bank (also known as heat bank) and check out what help you can get to heat your home.   

What help can I get to keep warm?

To heat your home, pensioners can get a winter fuel payment. There are energy bill discounts available as part of the UK’s Energy Bills Support Scheme. For help with energy costs and food talk to your council about the Household Support Fund. Pensioners can also get support from their energy supplier via the Priority Services Register (PSR).