120 Leman Street, London E1 8EU 1.2 miles away
"As a family we are delighted with the care that my father receives from his two carers who alternate every two weeks. It took about 6 weeks…" Read all 13 reviews
The Good Care Group is a fully managed and regulated provider of high-quality home care across England and Scotland that enables people to continue living in the comfort and familiarity of their own home and avoid moving into a residential care home.… Read more about The Good Care Group
Studio 13, The Arthaus, 203 Richmond Road, Hackney, London E8 3NJ 1.1 miles away
"As well as having the experience and necessary skills to do their job very well, the carers have a quality that supersedes all - they…" Read all 26 reviews
Home Instead (Stoke Newington) supports people to continue living in the comfort of their own homes, surrounded by family and friends. Services are delivered at the highest standards and with dedication as they truly believe living where you feel the… Read more about Home Instead (Stoke Newington, Leyton & Wanstead)
First Floor Hudson Yard, 58 Charlotte Road, Hackney, London EC2A 3QT 1.1 miles away
"The young lady provided to help my wife was truly exceptional. Not only did she get my wife up, showered and dressed very efficiently but…" Read review
Airmid Staffing has been built to support all individuals in the UK ensuring that they receive the care they require and deserve. They have ongoing work available throughout the UK as well as projects if you are looking for a short-term change of scenery.… Read more about Airmid Staffing Ltd
Site G6, East London Business Centre, 93-101 Greenfield Road, London E1 1EJ 0.9 miles away
Welcome to Global Healthcare Limited, your premier choice for compassionate domiciliary care. CQC (Care Quality Commission) registered, the company adheres to the highest standards of quality and safety, ensuring that clients receive the best possible… Read more about Global Healthcare
Runway East, Aldgate East, 2 Whitechapel Road, London E1 1EW 0.9 miles away
Clover Care Group is a leading provider of high quality complex care services. They are regulated by the CQC, with their regulated activity being the Treatment of Disease, Disorder, or Injury (TDDI). There is never a truer phrase when Clover Care… Read more about Clover Care
563 Roman Road, London E3 5EL 1.2 miles away
Care Delivered offers home care to people living in East London so they continue to live at home as independently as possible. Their staff are friendly and committed to giving people the best care possible. A personalised plan is created and updated… Read more about Care Delivered
2nd Floor, 167 Commercial Road, London E1 2DA 0.9 miles away
102 Mile End Road, London E1 4UN 0.5 miles away
Suite 6, 1 Coronet Street, London N1 6HD 1.2 miles away
Unit 5, 80a Ashfield Street, London E1 2BJ 0.8 miles away
201, Nelson Street, London E1 2DE 0.9 miles away
4th Floor, 9 Appold Street, London EC2A 2AP 1.2 miles away
Office B08, First Floor, 35-37 Bow Road, London E3 2AD 1.2 miles away
The Ensign, Wellclose Square, London E1 8HY 1.3 miles away
Flat 301, Poet Court, 78 Shandy Street, London E1 3FT 0.8 miles away
Unit 11, Second Floor, 290 Mare Street, London E8 1HE 1.2 miles away
128 Hoxton Street, London N1 6SH 1.1 miles away
Broadgate Quarter, 4th Floor, 9 Appold Street, London EC2A 2AP 1.2 miles away
120a Commercial Road, London E1 1NL 0.9 miles away
Montefoire Centre, Hanbury Street, London E1 5HZ 0.7 miles away
Studio 25 Monohaus, 143 Mare Street, Hackney, London E8 3RH 0.8 miles away
5 Brayford Square, London E1 0SG 0.9 miles away
5 Assembly Passage, London E1 4UT 0.5 miles away
5 Brayford Square, London E1 0SG 0.9 miles away
126 Stepney Way, London E1 3BG 0.7 miles away
Unit 1, Ground Floor, 36-40, Copperfield Road, London E3 4RR 1.0 mile away
Development House Unit 1.5, 56-64 Leonard Street, London EC2A 4LT 1.3 miles away
224-254 Cambridge Heath Road, London E2 9DA 0.4 miles away
76 Brokesley Street, London E3 4QJ 1.1 miles away
Nile Business Centre, Second Floor, Room 214, 60 Nelson Street, London E1 2DE 0.9 miles away
311 Kingsland Road, London E8 4DL 1.2 miles away
80-82 Nelson Street, London E1 2DY 0.9 miles away
93-101 Greenfield Road, London E1 1EJ 0.9 miles away
1-5 Brayford Square, London E1 0SG 0.9 miles away
80 - 90 Paul Street, London EC2A 4NE 1.2 miles away
31-33 Spelman Street, London E1 5LQ 0.8 miles away
87 Burdett Road, London E3 4JN 1.1 miles away
12th Floor - Broadgate Tower, 20 Primrose Street, London EC2A 2EW 1.1 miles away
WH 2.14, 75 Whitechapel Road, London E1 1DU 0.9 miles away
149 Commercial Road, London E1 1PX 0.9 miles away
280 Mare Street, London E8 1HE 1.2 miles away
Oxford House, Derbyshire Street, London E2 6HG 0.3 miles away
Office 9, Floor Rear, Duru House, 101 Commercial Road, London E1 1RD 0.9 miles away
Room S6, 192-196 Hanbury Street, London E1 5HU 0.7 miles away
6-10 Dunston Street, London E8 4EB 1.1 miles away
Units G01/G02 Kings Wharf, 297-301 Kingsland Road, London E8 4DL 1.2 miles away
58 Underwood Road, Unit G13, London E1 5AW 0.6 miles away
Oxford House, Derbyshire Street, London E2 6HG 0.3 miles away